For all updates regarding school closures during the storm, please see our weather page.

A brief look at the week of 4/8/24…

  • Monday, 4/8 (wear blue)
    • Extended School Day
  • Tuesday, 4/9 (wear sports gear)
    • Pawsome Performers Practice
    • Skate Night @ SpinNations 5p-7p
      • Buy tickets at the door or click HERE to order online
  • Wednesday, 4/10 (wear pajamas)
    • Chorus Practice
    • Early Release Day – Dismissal at 1:50p
  • Thursday, 4/11 (wear purple & yellow)
    • Access Tiger Tournament
    • Spring Splash 5:30p-7:30p ($5)
  • Friday, 4/12
    • No School